5 Cool Instagram Picture Ideas for Guys

5 Cool Instagram Picture Ideas for Guys

Whether you want to take some photos of your boyfriend or you are a guy yourself who wants to post more interesting pictures on Instagram, these Instagram picture ideas will inspire you to take your photography to the next level. Taking photos of a guy is usually a little more complicated than the ones of a girl. This happens mainly because many guys aren't used to being in front of the camera. As a result, they turn out stiff and awkward in their photos. They don't know what to do with their arms and legs. 

Even if you are used to taking photos, it is always good to get inspired by other photographers. They will make your pictures more eye-catching. My goal with this article is to give you some tips that would allow you to look and feel more confident in front of the camera. 

1) Take Photos while Doing Your Hobbies

When somebody is just doing something they love, they are happy and relaxed. Use this to your advantage. Hit the gym, go for a run, play music, paint, walk your dog, travel... The list is endless. While taking such photos, forget that the camera is there. This way your pictures will look more natural and authentic. Authenticity is the main trend on Instagram. People love seeing other people who enjoy life and do something interesting with their time. 

This photo is enhanced with Lightroom Presets: Fitness

2) Take Photos in Different Locations 

Let's say that you like to work out. The first thought would be to take photos at the gym. However, many gyms have pretty bad lighting, which is why the pictures will not get as good as they could in natural light. So once you get a chance, take some photos outside. Try different locations. The more places you try, the higher the chance that you will like the result. In addition to that, it will make your Instagram feed more colorful.

Also, you can take photos in multiple locations, change your outfits and it will look like you had different photoshoots. Trust me, taking a lot of photos in one day, saves a lot of your time later on. Whether you want to upload photos to Instagram for fun, personal brand or business, you will need to do it continuously. And that can make it less fun or even become overwhelming. 

guy working out

This photo is enhanced with Lightroom Presets: Fitness

3) Do Not Look at the Camera

Controlling facial expressions is tough. Especially in the beginning. Thus, the secret is very simple: don't look at the camera. Ask someone to take photos from your back. Also, ask your photographer to do multiple angles. Higher, lower, from one side and the other. You will soon learn what makes a good picture just by analyzing the ones that you have. 

guy enjoying the view

This photo is edited with Lightroom Presets: Rainbow 

4) Sit Down

Okay, so this might sound crazy but it does make a huge difference. When you sit down, you usually look more natural than when you are standing up. It has to do with the fact that you don't have to think about what to do with your legs anymore. Also, there are more places to put your hands (you can place your hands on your knees, ground or a person next to you).

All you have to do is to place your hands on different parts of your body. Let me explain, if you put both of your hands on the knees, it might turn out awkward. However, if you put one arm on your knee and the other on the ground, it will look more natural. The truth is that by placing your body in an asymmetrical way, you make yourself look less posed. 

guy watching the sunset

Lightroom Presets: California

5) Find Interesting Objects 

The object, building or place can be interesting because of its shape or color. Or maybe it's just a cool place to hang out. Take a photo of that place and yourself in it from further away. By mixing close-ups and photos taken further away, you will be able to create a more interesting Instagram feed. In addition to that, it will add variety to your photography. 

guy watching the sea

BONUS: Edit Your Photos 

The truth is that all of the most powerful images are edited. They can add clarity, create a balanced color palette, and to put it simply, make those photos POP. All you need to do is to choose your own style that portrays you the best. Take a quick look at the latest presets and find the one that takes your photos to the next level. 

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