Personal Instagram Post Ideas for Increased Engagement

Personal Instagram Post Ideas for Increased Engagement

Let's face it, sometimes you just don't know what to post on Instagram. If you want to create quality content that your followers will enjoy, here are ten post ideas that will keep people engaged. 

What makes Instagram content successful? It is when somebody instead of focusing on themselves shift their focus on other people. The more valuable your content will be to others, the more they will appreciate it.

Here are ten ideas that can help you create posts that can help others:

  • Post Idea #1: Pro Tip 
  • Post Idea #2: Myths
  • Post Idea #3: Behind the Scenes
  • Post Idea #4: Questions for the Audience
  • Post Idea #5: Reveal Little Known Facts
  • Post Idea #6: Follower Repost
  • Post Idea #7: Challenge
  • Post Idea #8: Real Life 
  • Post Idea #9: Make Fun of Yourself
  • Post Idea #10: Sneak Peak

Post Idea #1: Pro Tip 

Take a moment to think about what you are really good at. Maybe it is some kind of hobby, such as cooking, dancing, drawing, making smoothies or working out. It can also be related to your career. Don't just share your talents with others, show them how they could do something as well. Think of it as a short hack that is easy to implement and can make people’s life easier.

Post Idea #2: Myths

Especially if you are a PRO in a certain field, you will know some myths that people believe but aren't actually true. Breaking those myths and letting other people know the truth will be extremely valuable to others. 

Post Idea #3: Behind the Scenes

Sometimes when you are taking that perfect Instagram shot, your surroundings are quite funny. For instance, you could be taking a photo in a really crowded space and find a way to make it look less crowded. Other great examples of that are studio lights, the outfits you wear choosing between, makeup that you used, and all the people involved. You could even upload multiple pictures to showcase the whole process. 

Post Idea #4: Questions for the Audience

One of the best ways to engage with your audience is to ask simple questions. Let them be part of your content. Ask for their opinion about your brand, outfit choices or makeup. You could even let your followers decide on what you do or eat that day. Wouldn't you like to decide what another person does? 

Post Idea #5: Reveal Little Known Facts

This could work in multiple ways: sharing facts about yourself or revealing little known information. It is becoming more and more difficult to share information that is not that well-known. However, if you dig deeper and do more thorough research, you can most definitely find topics that are not as well explored by the general public. Especially, by sharing tips from your passion, you can set yourself apart. 

Post Idea #6: Follower Repost

Show your followers that you value their content. Especially, if they use your product. However, even without that. Find inspiring posts and share them with others. Instagram is a social media platform for a reason. Be selective and write a longer comment on why you chose it and what this post gave to you personally. 

Post Idea #7: Challenge

You could collaborate with other Instagram users or simply do different challenges yourself and share the results with your followers. Not only will you show something interesting to your followers, but you can actually build healthy habits yourself and stay motivated because you will have people you have to account for. 

You could even make a recurring challenge that could become part of your personal brand. What kind of challenges can I make? Food challenges, photography challenges, fitness challenges, drawing challenges, learning challenges - choose something that actually matches your personality and what you would like to improve in your everyday life. 

Post Idea #8: Real Life 

A lot of the content on Instagram is well polished. You show highlights from your life. Sharing some parts that aren't as glamouring will help your followers to get to know you better. A photo with a face mask or while you are brushing teeth can sometimes be more interesting than a well-prepared photoshoot. 

Post Idea #9: Make Fun of Yourself

This tip is definitely for those who love the humor in their lives and don't always take themselves so seriously. Allow yourself to have some fun. Your followers will appreciate it if you make them laugh or put a smile on their face. 

Post Idea #10: Sneak Peek

Are you preparing for a new project or starting a new hobby? Give your followers a sneak peek. You can also share an unedited photo or video from your latest photoshoot. Honestly, anything that gives a heads-up, works. 


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